Portales / Sites / Bio-diseñadores
Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg [Inglaterra]
DSRG Design Science Research Group. Communicating science by design [Inglaterra]
David Edwards Phd. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, HU [EEUU]
Design & Living Systems LAB [Inglaterra]
BioE271: Frugal Science Prof. Manu Prakash’s course [EEUU] ⊕
Goodheart’s Extreme Science
Kurtweil Accelerating Intelligence. Ray Kurzweil. Technology and science
La fórmula del lápiz Arte y ciencia, una misma cultura
Le Laboratorie David Edwards [Francia]
LikoLab Tim McGee [EEUU]
Natsai Audrey Chieza [Inglaterra]
Nautilus Science connected [EEUU]
Science is Beauty pictures and concepts. Tumblr
Space Facts
Technovelgy Where science meets fiction [EEUU] ⊕
The Virtuoso Science, Literature, and Culture
Wellcome Collection medicine, life and art in the past, present and future
Wolfram MathWorld mathematic resources
Exhibiciones / Muestras
En Vie Alive: New Design Frontiers. Paris, 2013 [Francia]
Instituciones / Centro de Investigación Noticias
CERN Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear [Suiza]
Publicaciones / Noticias
Scientific American [EEUU]
CLOT Magazine. Arte + Ciencia [Inglaterra]
Hydrogen2oxygen Alternative Science News Blog
iScience Ciencias de la vida, físicas, de la tierra y de la salud. Cell Press ⊕
JoDS Journal of Design and Science. MIT Media Lab [EEUU] Science X [EEUU]
RADIOLAB WNYC Studio Ciencia + Periodismo + Podcasts [EEUU]
PLOS The Public Library of Science [EEUU]
Popular Science New technology, science news, the future now
Stephen Wolfram Blog, the creator of Mathematica [Inglaterra]
Streaming Madness Science Documentaries Online
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