Interfaces / Interacción / Usabilidad

Interfaces / Interacción



Comunidad de Diseño UX/UI en Español [Alemania]
Gui Bonsiepe [Brasil] [Argentina]
Ishac Bertran Relationship between people and technology [Barcelona] [NYC]
Mool Design Diseño para la interacción. Juan Carlos Ortiz [México]
UX Research MX [México]

Interacción / User Interface

Ben Fry. Aesthetics + Computation Group
Ben Bashford Design for connected things [Inglaterra]
Bokardo The Blog of Joshua Porter [EEUU]
Design for Emotion actualizado hasta 2012, libro y conceptos [Canadá]
Designing for Humans A blog of Rob Tannen – Typad
Designing Interactions Bill Moggridge
Design in Tech Report  edited by John Maeda [EEUU]
Don Norman User advocacy and human-centered design
Interaction Design Foundation [EEUU]
Interaction Design Lab. Milano
Interuserface A Blog about design and interaction by Clayton Miller [EEUU]
O Danny Boy Interaction designer and author Blog Dan Saffer [EEUU]
Regarde Designing for the Web of Things. Pierrick Thébault [Francia]
Semantic Studios
Susana Soares Design Research [Portugal]
The Power of Touch The Evolution of Button Design. Bill DeRouchey
Tim Burrell Saward Designer [Inglaterra]
Yo-Yo Machines Interaction Research Studio, Goldsmiths, University of London [Inglaterra]

Diseño de Experiencia

10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design Whitney Hess, 2009 [EEUU]
David Report Blog de David Carlson
Diseño de Experiencias Blog de Rodrigo Bautista [méxico] [Inglaterra]
Kicker Studio
Nathan Shedroff’ World Pionero en el concepto de Diseño de Experiencia [EEUU]
Poetpainter The professional site of Stephen P. Anderson
Putting people first / Experientia Investigación en UX [Suiza]
Richard Saul Wurman [EEUU]
Sarah Doody Information architecture, user experience & digital strategy
Second Story Interactive Studios Interactive Media & Development [EEUU]
User Experience Design Blog
World Usability Day Making life easy

Institutos / Escuelas / Asociaciones / Redes

Interactive Institute [Suecia]
IXDA Interaction Design Association
Interaction Design Association

UX | alliance Red Global [Inglaterra]

Publicaciones / UX / UI

Interactions Magazine
UX User Experience The Magazine of the User Experience Professionals Association
UX Magazine Defining and informing the complex field of user experience

Sistemas / Historia de la Computación / Lenguajes

The Lunduke Journal of Technology Bryan Lunduke [EEUU]

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